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 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes.

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winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. Empty
MessageSujet: winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes.   winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. EmptyMar 11 Nov - 19:55

« ta quote de fifou qui déchire tout »

Winnie Alvarez

surnoms : win' △ ville de naissance : puebla, mexique. △ date de naissance : 21 janvier 1997. △ âge : dix sept ans. △ statut financier : dans la galère, disons que mes parents ont pas un travail extra. △ statut social : célibataire. △ orientation sexuelle hétérosexuelle. △ métier/études : lycéenne. △ depuis combien de temps vis-tu à glenwood springs : depuis mon enfance. △  signe particulier : rien de spécial.. mise à part un tatouage caché dont mes parents et ni mon frère ne connaissent l'existence.  △ qualités : déterminée, intelligente, mature, extravertie, attentionnée. △ défauts : impulsive, trop franche, râleuse, imprévisible. △ avatar : kylie jenner. △ groupe : les arc en ciel. △ crédits : je sais plus du tout qui sur tumblr.
pourquoi êtes vous à glenwood springs ? Je suis à Glenwood Springs depuis toute petite donc je ne peux pas trop répondre. Je ne l'ai pas décidé, ma mère pensait que c'était mieux pour nous et notre avenir et elle n'a pas tord. En tout cas je ne quitterai Glenwood Springs pour rien au monde.
quelles sont les tics et manies de votre personnage ? Winnie touche tout le temps ses cheveux, c'est une manie et lorsqu'elle est stressée, elle bouge partout, ne pouvant pas rester Elle fume depuis l'âge de dix-sept ans mais ne touche pas à la drogue. Elle danse tout le temps et elle est même plutôt douée. C'est une passion, mais elle ne veut pas en faire son métier. Malgré son air de petite peste, Win' s'attache très vite et peut facilement avoir un coup de coeur pour quelqu'un, autant amicalement qu'amoureusement.
avez vous subit la tornade ? vos proches ? Malheureusement oui. Par chance à ce moment-là, j'étais en plein dîner de famille et je me trouvais donc avec mon frère jumeau qui a essayé de me protéger au maximum. Je n'ai pas été blessée, mais en revanche ma meilleure amie est morte alors c'est plutôt difficile pour moi d'en parler. J'aurais voulu être avec mes amis pour les aider car j'imagine pas ce qu'ils ont dû endurer, surtout Maxxie qui se trouvait seule.. Mais on a eu de la chance de ne pas avoir perdu la vie comme notre amie.

« moi, c'est toxic love »
prénom : sarah △ âge : quinze ans △ pays : france △ comment as-tu connu le forum ? par ma meilleure amie aka Noah Mulliez △ comment le trouves-tu ? magnifique. △ fréquence de connexion : 6/7jrs. △ personnage inventé ou scénario : scénario de maxxie. △ mot de la fin : love.  winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 803866925

<tk>KYLIE JENNER</tk> △ <ps>winnie alvarez</ps>

fiche de plumyts

Dernière édition par Winnie Alvarez le Mer 12 Nov - 17:06, édité 3 fois
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winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes.   winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. EmptyMar 11 Nov - 19:56

« take the best, fuck the rest »


fiche by plumyts

Dernière édition par Winnie Alvarez le Mar 11 Nov - 20:11, édité 1 fois
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winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes.   winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. EmptyMar 11 Nov - 20:07

winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. Tumblr_inline_mz34eoxVBK1r4p8y3

MA JUMZ, MA SOEUR, MA CHIEUSE, MA SANGSUE winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 3069235975 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 3069235975 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 3069235975 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 3069235975 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 669254872 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 669254872 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 669254872 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 669254872 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 669254872 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 769485739 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 769485739 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 769485739 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 769485739 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 769485739 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1394986281 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1394986281 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1394986281 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1394986281 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1394986281 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1394986281 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1777205218 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1777205218 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1777205218 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1777205218 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1777205218 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 931114473 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 931114473 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 931114473 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 931114473 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 2723817531 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 2723817531 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 2723817531 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 2723817531 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 2723817531 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 2209075067 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 2209075067 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 2209075067 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 2209075067 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 2209075067

Je suis trop trop trop trop content que tu sois là, il ne manquait plus que toi à notre petite bande de joyeux lurons, on va pouvoir faire régner la terreur l'amour à Glenwood Springs !!! winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 202964838

winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. Tumblr_mbjeetrAxQ1rqrt0mo1_500

Par contre, tes menaces à la maison, tu te les gardes !!! winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 3244290274

winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. Tumblr_mnu98ekH6D1sq5z0yo1_500

Puis bon, on avertit la populasse maintenant pour ton permis ou pas ? Parce que bon, si tu abimes la voiture des parents, je sens que la punition va nous toucher tous les deux winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 290354903

winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. Tumblr_n8r7yl9bSp1r4xn34o1_500

Puis bon, calme-toi un peu, tu vas nous attirer des ennuis...

winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. Tumblr_nbp2nvf7se1tihxwko1_500

Bref, malgré tout ça... Je le redis là mais fais une capture d'écran, fais en un poster et accroche le au dessus de ton lit parce que c'est la deuxième et dernière fois.

winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. Tumblr_inline_n0zkqxiOM71rg0g8s
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winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes.   winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. EmptyMar 11 Nov - 20:09

Ahah mon dieu tu me tues. winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1279242349 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1279242349 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1279242349

C'est adorable, merci à toi. winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1572085750 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1572085750 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1572085750 Je sens qu'on va bien s'amuser. winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1140890858 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 195812114 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 803866925
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winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes.   winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. EmptyMer 12 Nov - 8:52

ahhhhh la deuxième terreur débarque ! je sens que ça va retourner le forum tout ça MDR

en tout cas soit la bienvenue chez les fous winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 3855582414 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 3855582414 et bon courage pour ta fiche ! au plaisir ou pas de te croiser un de ces jours en RP la chieuse winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 689971080
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winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes.   winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. EmptyMer 12 Nov - 17:07

yeaaah bien sûr que je veux rp avec toi, garde en moi un bien au chaud. (a) merciiii. winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 803866925
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winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes.   winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. EmptyMer 12 Nov - 17:57

Bienvenue ici ! winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 968388158 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 314505979
Bon courage pour ta fichounette winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 288936755
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winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes.   winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. EmptyMer 12 Nov - 22:28

winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1140890858 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 803866925 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 195812114 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 669254872 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1140890858 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 803866925 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 195812114 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 669254872 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1140890858 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 803866925 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 195812114 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 669254872 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1140890858 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 803866925 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 195812114 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 669254872 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1140890858 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 803866925 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 195812114 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 669254872 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1140890858 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 803866925 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 195812114 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 669254872 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1140890858 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 803866925 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 195812114 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 669254872 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1140890858 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 803866925 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 195812114 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 669254872 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1140890858 winnie + but we're making all the same 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we're making all the same mistakes. 1140890858 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 803866925 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 195812114 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 669254872 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1140890858 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 803866925 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 195812114 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 669254872 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1140890858 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 803866925 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 195812114 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 669254872 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1140890858 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 803866925 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 195812114 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 669254872 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1140890858 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but we're making all the same mistakes. 803866925 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 195812114 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 669254872 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1140890858 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 803866925 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 195812114 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 669254872
mates les bombasses que nous sommes winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1140890858
winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. Tumblr_mlak1eN6Dn1rqhj5fo1_500
bienvenue parmi nous petite fleur et bonne continuation pour ta fiche winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 931114473 si tu as la moindre question, n'hésite pas à me harceler de messages privés, même si Cruz sera plus à même de te répondre concernant l'histoire de ton personnage winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1279242349
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winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes.   winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. EmptyJeu 13 Nov - 11:00

Salut toi winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 4185937231. Bienvenue ici winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 825303516. Très bon choix de scénario et d'avatar même si je suis plus fan de Kendall perso winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1062884264. Enfin bon courage pour ta fiche winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 202964838
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winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes.   winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. EmptyJeu 13 Nov - 20:19

BIENVENUUUUUUUUUUUUUE MA CHERIE MERCI DE T'ETRE INSCRITE winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 803866925 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 803866925 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 803866925 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 803866925 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 803866925 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 803866925 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 803866925 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 803866925 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 803866925 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 2537862711 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 2537862711 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 2537862711 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 2537862711 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 2537862711 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 2537862711 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 2537862711 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 2537862711 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 2537862711 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 2537862711 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1572085750 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1572085750 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1572085750 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1572085750 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1572085750 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1572085750 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1572085750 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1572085750 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 968388158 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 968388158 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 968388158 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 968388158 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 968388158 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 471265109 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 471265109 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 471265109 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 471265109 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 471265109 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 471265109 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 471265109 winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 471265109

Bonne chance pour ta fiche et hâte de rp avec toi winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 471265109
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winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes.   winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. EmptyVen 14 Nov - 6:24


winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. Giphy

ch'est trop chou winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1062884264
bienvenue <3
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winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes.   winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. EmptyVen 14 Nov - 21:36

Yooooooooooooooh o/
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winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes.   winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. EmptyLun 17 Nov - 16:03

T'as fais un super super super choix de personnage. winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1140890858
Même si la Kylie j'ai envie de la taper à se défigurer si jeune à coup de chirurgie esthétique. winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1279242349
Bonne chance pour ta fiche petite brune. winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 3855582414

( ET il nous faudra un lien évidemment ! winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 145247815 )
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winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes.   winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. EmptyMar 18 Nov - 19:55

Excellent choix de scénario winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1062884264 Tu ne risques en aucun cas de t'embeter avec ceux-là winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 3855582414

Hate de lires vos rp winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 195812114

Welcooome winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 2363178772

Bonne chance pour ta fiche, en cas de besoin, le staff est là pour toi winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 2209075067
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winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes.   winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. EmptyMar 18 Nov - 21:23

Bienvenuuuuuuuuue. winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1154047225
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winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes.   winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. EmptyDim 23 Nov - 16:21

« mais...  winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 1062884264 reviens ! »

Hello par ici winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 2363178772 Ta fichounette est entamée depuis maintenant bientôt deux semaines, est-ce que tu as besoin d'un délai ? Tiens-nous au courant winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. 3082750187

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winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes.   winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes. Empty

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winnie + but we're making all the same mistakes.

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